You make ON Solutions change lives

Generosity is giving your all, but always feeling like it didn't cost you anything.
– Simone de Beauvoir


Only with your help can we take actions that will improve people's quality of life.
Collaborate and be part of this history. Together, we will transform the lives of many people.

Browse the menu and select the option that interests you to help us!

Clique abaixo para doar com crédito, débito ou conta PayPal.
A sua doação pode ajudar a transformar muitas vidas.
Equipe On Solutions for life

Donations are essential to mobilize resources for improvements, expansions and maintenance of services and social actions provided by ON Solutions for life.
ON Solutions for life performs free services that benefit many lives and are served in the Education, Health and Social Assistance programs.
Collaborate and be part of this history. Together, we will transform the lives of many people.

Deposit details:
Empresa: On Solutions For Life
CNPJ: 35.767.908/0001-00
Banco  Instituição: 403 – Cora SCD
Agência: 0001
Conta: 2250349-7

Dados para Pix:
Tipo de chave: CNPJ

Follow us on our social networks.

São Gonçalo
Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 834 – Casa 03 – Santa Catarina – São Gonçalo
Rio de Janeiro

Galpão Socialista
Av. Carlos Mariguella, 29 – Inoã, Maricá – RJ.
Próximo ao Campo do Esporte Clube Inoã.


© Copyright 2022 ON Solutions for life – Feito por EXM Tech –